
Get Financially Fit

The Problem:

Personal finance is overwhelming. It’s hard to let a financial planner help with personal and anxiety-inducing financial issues. People usually have accounts at several different institutions, which makes it hard to get a clear overall picture of their finances.

The Solution:

The Wealthtrak app allows people to connect accounts and gently offers suggestions for improving financial fitness. The app features visualizations based on information aggregated across accounts at different institutions.


Personas helped to define direction and discover the needs of different types of users ranging from personal finance experts to those just getting started on their financial journey.



Home Screen

The home screen is centered on a tappable line graph to keep the focus on long-term growth and a pie chart to foreground overall asset allocation.

Detail View

Each asset category can be tapped to uncover even more granular info within that category.

Add Account

Adding accounts is a vital function. The add account button is in the persistent navigation bar. Predictive search connected to a database of popular banks and other institutions creates a seamless experience.


Tips are organized from highest priority to lowest. The saturation level of the lightbulb icon next to each tip also indicates the urgency of each tip.